What does an appointment involve?

When you first arrive, ring the doorbell and your Osteopath will show you through to your treatment room. You will be asked some questions about your current complaint, your medical history, and what you are hoping to get from treatment. You may then be asked to do some movements to help your Osteo diagnose you, and then treatment can start.

How much does it cost?

If you head to the online booking page, you will see the price listed next to the types of appointments available.

Do you accept Private Health and EFTPOS?

Yes, paying by card is the preferred method in this post-COVID world. On-the-spot Private Health rebates can be claimed as long as you are covered under extras, and bring your card with you to your appointment. If you’re not sure if Osteopathy is covered, check with your insurer (the codes for treatment are 1804 for your first appointment, and 1802 for subsequent consultations).

Will I need to get undressed?

Not usually! Most treatment is done over your clothing, though if you have a knee issue it might be good to wear shorts or leggings, and to generally wear clothes that allow for a good range of movement. Sometimes you may need to take off any big bulky clothing.

What can Osteopaths treat?

All sorts of aches, pains, injuries and postural issues - from newborns to pensioners. See this page for a more detailed look at which conditions Osteopaths can treat..

What is an Osteopath?

An Osteopath must have completed a degree in Osteopathy, which takes 5 years of full time study in Australia, and allows them to use the title of “Doctor”, due to the rigorous nature of the study in Anatomy, Physiology, Pathology, Diagnostics and many more subjects. Osteopaths are allowed to diagnose, treat, and refer for medical imaging when necessary.

What does treatment mean?

Once treatment begins, you’ll usually be asked to lie down on your back on the treatment table. Your Dr will then then use small motions or light touch to assess your joints, muscles, ligaments and bones, and create changes in your tissues. There is not usually any deep tissue massage or painful prodding, though sometimes even gentle touch can provoke pain if your nerves or tissues are injured or sensitive.

Will I need to come in more than once?

This very much depends on the issue you’ve come in with, and what has caused it in the first place. Most straightforward injuries can be solved within 1-3 treatments, but some more chronic, long term issues can take a bit more to solve. Some people like to come in every couple of months, even if they’re not in pain, just to maintain their alignment and spot problems before they occur.