What is Osteopathy?

Osteopathy is a system of healthcare that aims to use your body’s own function to promote health.

What does treatment involve?

An osteopathic treatment usually involves some simple questions about your body’s aches or pains, a brief medical history and some simple testing to diagnose your condition. Treatment can then begin to address the problem once a diagnosis has been found.

At Warrnambool Osteopathy, we believe that treatment should be as close to painless as possible. We won’t try to force your body back into place, but instead will use techniques that guide your body to ideal alignment. By allowing joints, muscles, tendons and more to rest and work together as intended, this reduces the stressload and enables restoration of proper blood supply, drainage of lymphatics and the delivery and transportation of nutrients to all the cells of your body.

You may be asked to remove some clothing in order to better assess an area, depending on your need - if you wish, you can bring some shorts and/or a strappy top or vest. We prefer patients to be relaxed and comfortable, in order for treatment to have the best effect, so we can work through clothing when needed.

Treatment itself will last no more than 30 minutes, or 45 minutes for an initial consultation, but we have extra time in the appointment available for admin, cleaning, and to avoid multiple patients crossing paths in the clinic (according to COVID-19 social distancing guidelines).

Dr Anna Brown, the Principal Osteopath at Warrnambool Osteo Clinic, has many years’ experience treating infants, children, the elderly, and everyone in between.

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“To find health should be the object of the doctor”

— Andrew Taylor Still


What Can Osteopathy Treat?

  • Sports injuries

  • Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI)

  • Muscular tension often associated with Asthma

  • Pregnancy-related muscular and skeletal pain

  • Pelvic pain

  • Musculoskeletal strains in newborns caused by birth

  • Post-natal aches and pains

This is not a complete list - if you are unsure, you can call and ask us before booking your appointment, or you can

book an appointment online.